Using gtags (global)

As a follow up to the last post, I tried emacs+gtags and it is really powerful when compared to emacs+etags.

Important things to get started.

First run gtags on the code.
$ gtags

This would create four files GPATH, GRTAGS, GSYMS, GTAGS

Open emacs and enable gtags
M-x gtags-mode RET

To enable auto completion of function names\symbols etc use,
M-x gtags-make-complete-list
NOTE: This is deprecated and not required now.

To locate a function use,
M-x gtags-find-tag function_name.
You can also use M-.

If more than one is found a stack is returned. Select one and hit RET. In order to get the stack use,
M-x gtags-pop-stack.
You can also use M-*

To find a symbol use,
M-x gtags-find-symbol m_myVar

To find anything use,
M-x gtags-find-with-grep "gtags rules"

Once you modify the code, just update the code
global -u -v

To visit the tags folder use,
M-x gtags-visit-rootdir and point it to the folder that has the TAGS!


ravishankarlal said...

I was looking at gtags and your link came up towards the top on google :). Thanks for the helpful article, just wish it was for vim instead ;)


Piyush Garyali said...

Lol .. Glad to know the blog works :-)