Started using git.. this page would get more info as I learn more.
1. A very good presentation\video - here
2. Git documentation guide\book - here
3. Understanding Git, another tutorial - here
Tweet from the command line
Do this from the command line
Add the following function in your
and then do
curl -u username:password -d status="the message"
Add the following function in your
file.# function to tweet
tweet() {
if [[ -z "$1" && -z "$2" ]]; then
echo "Usage: tweet password \"message\""
echo "Make sure the message is within quotes"
if [ ${flag} == "0" ]; then
echo "Sending message...."
curl -u username:$1 -d status="$2"
and then do
$tweet password "The message goes here"
more vim
Useful stuff to put inside your
If you don't have it, create a folder
Color schemes are available here
file" Set tab width
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set smarttab
set smartindent
set expandtab
set cursorline
" Show line numbers and cursor position
set ruler
set number
" Disable default splash screen
set shortmess+=I
set guioptions-=T
" Show tabs and trailing white spaces
set list listchars=tab:-»,trail:·,extends:»
" Don't generate backup files
set nobackup
" Set default color scheme to something
colorscheme something
If you don't have it, create a folder
and put the color scheme inside.Color schemes are available here
is very helpful in getting a trace out of the kernel especially to know the %age usage of methods from the kernel and the application. Helps in debugging some weird problems.First, enable
in the kernel, it is good to build it part of the kernel rather than a kernel module, so make sure in the menuconfig option it is a [*] rather than [m].You can install the oprofile client once you boot back into your file system.
sudo apt-get install oprofile oprofile-gui
Before starting your application, initialize
$ sudo opcontrol --init
The following two options can be done once in the beginning
Tell oprofile the path to your compiled and unstripped
file so that it can pick the symbols from there$ sudo opcontrol --vmlinux=/path/to/kernel/image
Set the call stack depth
# sudo opcontrol --callgraph=#depth
Now check the status,
$ sudo opcontrol --status
Reset the earlier dump,
$ sudo opcontrol --reset
Start the profiler
$ sudo opcontrol --start
Run your application
$ ./mystupidapp
All done, stop the profiler
$ sudo opcontrol --stop
Get the dump
$ sudo opcontrol --dump
Now, get the report
$ sudo opreport -l (and various options if you want)
Clear it,
$ sudo opcontrol --reset
$ sudo opcontrol --deinit
and start again if you want to.
I use alias(es) in the
file. Really helps!alias opc='sudo opcontrol'
alias opcdeinit='opc --deinit'
alias opcdump='opc --dump'
alias opcinit='opc --init'
alias opcreset='opc --reset'
alias opcstart='opc --start'
alias opcstatus='opc --status'
alias opcstop='opc --stop'
alias opr='sudo opreport -l'
alias oprcall='opr -c'
Bing !
I am not sure if the search results given by bing are going to be anything to brag about or any different (good\worst) than Google's but there are certain features in bing (the ones that I noticed, there might be a gazillion according to peeps at MS) which might find their way into Google soon, in one way or the other ;)
1. Tiny website preview\summary with the context of the search word\phrase - move to mouse to right of the result, a yellow dot appears which gives a snapshot of the result - handy and avoids opening the page to see if the result makes sense.
2. Video preview - this is the best one, while searching for videos (especially the useful ones :D ), bing plays them right in the search result panel. Isn't that nice!
3. Enhanced pages for Wikipedia results - you can click on the link to "enhanced page" and the wikipedia entry opens right inside the search panel. Do know how useful that is!
1. Tiny website preview\summary with the context of the search word\phrase - move to mouse to right of the result, a yellow dot appears which gives a snapshot of the result - handy and avoids opening the page to see if the result makes sense.
2. Video preview - this is the best one, while searching for videos (especially the useful ones :D ), bing plays them right in the search result panel. Isn't that nice!
3. Enhanced pages for Wikipedia results - you can click on the link to "enhanced page" and the wikipedia entry opens right inside the search panel. Do know how useful that is!
emacs - match parenthesis
One good thing I liked about
So, in order to enable the same in emacs, add the following in your
is that the parenthesis matching is so damn easy - use %
So, in order to enable the same in emacs, add the following in your
(global-set-key "%" 'match-paren)
(defun match-paren (arg)
"Go to the matching paren if on a paren; otherwise insert %."
(interactive "p")
(cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
(t (self-insert-command (or arg 1)))))
emacs lightweight options and vim
I use emacs all of the time. However, the problem with emacs is that it is very heavy duty and usually not available on embedded targets.
Also, it is good to know how to use
Quick starter
Open file
Save & Exit -
Save -
Don't save & Exit -
Up -
down -
left -
right -
start of line -
end of line -
page up -
page down -
Goto line x -
undo -
redo -
delete char -
delete word -
delete line -
search -
next -
prev -
help -
or start from command line
and mg
and two light-weight options for emacs (sudo apt-get install mg zile
)Also, it is good to know how to use
Quick starter
Open file
[Esc first] :e
Save & Exit -
[Esc first] :wq
Save -
[Esc first]:w
Don't save & Exit -
[Esc first]:!q
Up -
[Esc first] k or Up arrow
down -
[Esc first] j or Down arrow
left -
[Esc first] h or Left arrow
right -
[Esc first] l or right arrow
start of line -
[Esc first] ^
end of line -
[Esc first] $
page up -
page down -
Goto line x -
undo -
[Esc first] u
redo -
[Esc First] Shift+r
delete char -
[Esc First] x
delete word -
[Esc First] dw
delete line -
[Esc First] dd
search -
[Esc first] /
next -
prev -
help -
[Esc first]:help
or start from command line
$ vimtutor
I was just checking the post list on this blog and for 2008 and 2009 I have not made any posts in the months of March and April. Strange!
Using gtags (global)
As a follow up to the last post, I tried emacs+gtags and it is really powerful when compared to emacs+etags.
Important things to get started.
First run gtags on the code.
This would create four files
Open emacs and enable gtags
To enable auto completion of function names\symbols etc use,
NOTE: This is deprecated and not required now.
To locate a function use,
You can also use
If more than one is found a stack is returned. Select one and hit RET. In order to get the stack use,
You can also use
To find a symbol use,
To find anything use,
Once you modify the code, just update the code
To visit the tags folder use,
Important things to get started.
First run gtags on the code.
$ gtags
This would create four files
Open emacs and enable gtags
M-x gtags-mode RET
To enable auto completion of function names\symbols etc use,
M-x gtags-make-complete-list
NOTE: This is deprecated and not required now.
To locate a function use,
M-x gtags-find-tag function_name
.You can also use
If more than one is found a stack is returned. Select one and hit RET. In order to get the stack use,
M-x gtags-pop-stack
.You can also use
To find a symbol use,
M-x gtags-find-symbol m_myVar
To find anything use,
M-x gtags-find-with-grep "gtags rules"
Once you modify the code, just update the code
global -u -v
To visit the tags folder use,
M-x gtags-visit-rootdir
and point it to the folder that has the TAGS!emacs - system wide copy and paste
OR use
Lot more here
and [C]-Y
one can copy and paste inside emacs but it only works for the emacs buffers. In order to enable system wide copy\paste (through the clipboard) with other applications set the following in the .emacs file(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
OR use
META-X set-variable RET x-select-enable-clipboard RET t
Lot more here
Bash scripting
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