GNU plot is one of the most useful applications on Linux for creating plots. GNU plot takes in data in the following format
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There are three columns here, there can be any number, make sure the data is separated by a space. You can make your program write the data directly in a file, call it whatever you want to, e.g. "simout.dat"
# Fire gnuplot
# draw using the first two columns from the data file
# draw using the first and second col AND first and third col.
#draw using lines
# draw using points on the lines
# draw with a legend for the lines
# set title
# set X label
# Set Y label
# Set x and y Range
# Set log scale on X
There are so many other things that you can do with GNUPlot, which I even don't know as I am still learning how to use it.
Excellent tutorial here (that is how I got started).
10 324.12 12312 56
100 34231.3 2312123 67
There are three columns here, there can be any number, make sure the data is separated by a space. You can make your program write the data directly in a file, call it whatever you want to, e.g. "simout.dat"
# Fire gnuplot
# draw using the first two columns from the data file
gnuplot> plot "simout.dat" using 1:2
# draw using the first and second col AND first and third col.
gnuplot> plot "simout.dat" using 1:2, "simout.dat" using 1:3
#draw using lines
gnuplot> plot "simout.dat" using 1:2 with lines, "simout.dat" using 1:3 with lines
# draw using points on the lines
gnuplot> plot "simout.dat" using 1:2 with linespoint, "simout.dat" using 1:3 with linespoint
# draw with a legend for the lines
gnuplot> plot "simout.dat" using 1:2 with linespoint ti "Marks in CA", "simout.dat" using 1:3 with linespoint ti "Marks in WUC"
# set title
set title "The title of the plot"
# set X label
set xlabel "Blocks (N)"
# Set Y label
set ylabel "Performance [MFlops]"
# Set x and y Range
set xrange [100:10000]
set yrange [0:10e6]
# Set log scale on X
set logscale x
There are so many other things that you can do with GNUPlot, which I even don't know as I am still learning how to use it.
Excellent tutorial here (that is how I got started).
Thanks for this post!
I am glad it was useful.
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