Using "debootstrap" to build a custom debian based system

Linutop is a small device that can run Linux form a USB drive and can be used to browse the internet or use Office tools.

Found a useful article on the Linutop wiki about using debootstrap to create a custom Linux System based on Debian. Click here.

More information about Linux Live CDs based on Debian can be found on Knoppix.

Linux Innovations of 2007

Phoronix talks about the great Linux innovation of 2007.

To summarize, the following were some remarkable events:

1. Virtulization support in the kernel, along with VMWare's VMI, Xen Quest and QEMU accelerator going open source

2. Desktop Bling - Beryl merging back with Compwiz creating a "Compwiz Fusion"

3. ATI introducing brand new driver code-base along with support for Radeon HD2900XT and AIGLX. ATI/AMD releasing their GPU documentation.

4. SplashTop

Connecting a Bluetooth phone with Linux

Ars Technica has a useful article on getting your Bluetooth enable Mobile phones to talk to Linux and some more useful tips and tricks.

Taking Backup on linux

Linux Planet has a very useful series on taking backups in Linux by Carla Schroder, who has authored Linux Cookbook

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Useful tool to analyze network traffic on Linux

Darkstat, is a simple packet sniffer, runs in the background and gives you basic information about the traffic on your network.

On Ubuntu, install it using

sudo apt-get install darkstat

After installation,

sudo darkstat -i eth0

The data is displayed in the browser (http://localhost:666/)

"sudo rm -rf /" on Ubuntu is dangerous

To avoid killing your Ubuntu system add the following to /etc/bashrc and /etc/profile

alias rm=”rm –preserve-root”