APR error

If you are using APR (Apache portable runtime) and on compilation of your code you get the following error

apr expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘apr_off_t’

Do this,

$ apr-config --cppflags --cflags

which returns the following on my system


Use these while compiling your code.

gcc file.c -o file -I/usr/include/apr-1.0 -lapr-1 `apr-config --cppflags --cflags`

Using POSIX Message Queues


/* Includes */
#include < pthread.h >
#include < stdio.h >
#include < stdlib.h >
#include < unistd.h >
#include < mqueue.h >
#include < sys/stat.h >
#include < errno.h >
#include < string.h >

/* Threads */
static void *MainThread (void *);
static void *AnotherThread (void *);

/* Defines */
#define MAIN_QNAME "/MainQueue"
pthread_mutex_t wait_mutex;

int mq_test(void)
pthread_t mainThread, anotherThread;

printf ("Creating threads .. \n");
pthread_create (&mainThread, NULL, &MainThread, NULL);

pthread_create (&anotherThread, NULL, &AnotherThread, NULL);

pthread_mutex_init (&wait_mutex, NULL);

pthread_join (mainThread, NULL);
pthread_join (anotherThread, NULL);

return 1;

#define BUFFER_SIZE 10000

/* Main thread .. Waiting for messages */
static void *MainThread (void *args)

mqd_t queue_handle;
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int bytes_read;

struct mq_attr msgq_attr;
unsigned int sender;

printf ("[MainThread] Inside main thread \n");

// Let the other thread wait till I am ready!
pthread_mutex_lock (&wait_mutex);

// Clear the buffer
memset (buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

// Detach the thread
pthread_detach (pthread_self());

// unlink the queue if it exisits - debug
mq_unlink (MAIN_QNAME);

printf ("[MainThread]Opening MQ \n");
queue_handle= mq_open(MAIN_QNAME, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG, NULL);

if (queue_handle == -1)
perror ("[MainThread] Error Opening MQ: ");
return 0;

printf ("[MainThread] Waiting for messages ... \n");
pthread_mutex_unlock (&wait_mutex);

for (; ;)
bytes_read = mq_receive(queue_handle, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &sender);

if (bytes_read == -1)
perror("[MainThread] Failed to recieve:");
return 0;

printf ("[MainThread] Data: %s \n", buffer);
// Get the MQ attributes
mq_getattr(queue_handle, &msgq_attr);
printf("[MainThread] Queue \"%s\":\n"
"\t- stores at most %ld messages\n"
"\t- large at most %ld bytes each\n"
"\t- currently holds %ld messages\n",

// Clear buffer and sleep to block for some time t and see
// if you get all the messages!

memset(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

mq_close (queue_handle);

#define MAX_SEND_BUFFER 70

static void *AnotherThread (void *args)

mqd_t queue_handle;
char buffer[MAX_SEND_BUFFER];
unsigned int msgprio = 1;

int count;

printf ("[AnotherThread] Inside Another thread \n");

pthread_mutex_lock (&wait_mutex);

queue_handle= mq_open(MAIN_QNAME, O_RDWR);
if (queue_handle == -1)

perror ("[AnotherThread] Error Opening MQ:");
return 0;

for (count = 0; count < 100; count++)

snprintf (buffer, MAX_SEND_BUFFER, "Message %d from Another thread", count);

if (0 != mq_send (queue_handle, buffer, strlen(buffer)+1, msgprio))

perror ("[AnotherThread] Sending:");
mq_close (queue_handle);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&wait_mutex);

return 0;

pthread_mutex_unlock (&wait_mutex);
mq_close (queue_handle);

return 0;

#ifdef _DEBUG_
int main (void)
return mq_test(void);


grep - argument list too long

If you are doing

$ grep "text" `find . -type f` this would result in a long argument list that grep can't handle and it would give an error saying

Argument list too long

Instead use

find . -type f | xargs egrep "text"

Using smbclient from command prompt

If you are using *ubuntu, change to the root bash shell

$sudo bash
Password: [Your kubuntu password]
Password: [Your windows password]
smb: \> help

You can use ? or help to get the commands which are similar to ftp like cd, lcd, mget, mput and so on